+43 (2742)458 58
Mon to Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.

Great winter offers for you!

Do you want to boost your sales this summer? No problem with our high quality ice cream machines!

With the optics of our machines alone, potential guests will immediately notice you. Our machines impress with their modern, simple or striking design. There is ice almost everywhere in summer, but you will mostly remember yours. The technical performance of the machines and the associated result of the ice will make you extremely satisfied. Our ice machines have so many functions and programs that you will like.

The technical functions will allow you to operate the ice machine with ease. Of course, all of our machines have the cleaning program. It will save you time and a lot of trouble. Simply fill in water and the program cleans thoroughly and all by itself. The day & night program gives you the opportunity to “store” the ice in the machine over night with permanent cooling. You can start making ice cream again the next day. We do not recommend doing this for days, otherwise the quality of the ice will suffer. There are selectable hardness levels for the consistency of the self-produced ice cream. You can select degrees of hardness from 1 to 12, which you can set as you wish and change at any time. Just test it out. All machines have a swell pump that increases the volume of the ice. The aim is to make the ice cream creamier and to get more out of the measure. This in turn leads to cost savings. Of course there are many more functions, which of course vary depending on the ice machine. Feel free to stop by to test these features out before you buy. We are happy to answer your questions.

Have we sparked your interest? Take advantage of the winter offers to secure your benefits - before it's too late!



Freezy, Winter offers

Sale exclusively to entrepreneurs (commercial users). No sale to private customers. All prices are in euros (net)

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